iLeaf Banquets

The Common Marriage Invitation Mistakes that Couples Often Do

• 26th May, 22  


We all tend to make mistakes, especially when we do it for the first time. One of the most common mistakes is marriage invitation. You may either forget to invite some of your near and dear ones or give out the wrong information about your wedding. However, you can avoid the mistakes if you follow a specific procedure. Following are some of the common mistakes that couples make during their marriage invitations:

Sending out wrong information about the wedding

It is of utmost importance that before printing the wedding cards, make a final check. It is because you may overlook the address or the phone number that may be wrong. Printing wedding cards are expensive, and you will not want to waste extra money on double printing an entire lot of wedding cards. Hence, when you receive a draft copy of the wedding card, carefully check every word and the information. If possible, give a green signal for the final printing of the wedding cards only after two or three quality checks by different people. It is always a great idea to check the draft from a hard copy rather than a soft copy, as you will be locating the errors quickly. 

Ordering Extra wedding cards

Printing wedding cards are pretty expensive. Therefore, before giving out a final printout of the number of copies, it is advisable to check the number of guests. You must not print the number of wedding cards according to the number of guests, and it is because most of them are families. Therefore, it will be better to count the wedding cards according to the families and not according to the number of heads. You will end up wasting a lot of extra expenses uselessly. 

Give the exact information.

You will find that some of the wedding cards have either too much or too less information. It confuses the guests on both occasions. It is also unnecessary to give so many details as the guest will hardly read them. On the other hand, if you give less information, the guests will become confused about the date or the venue of the marriage hall. However, if you want to provide information about the wedding, you can set up a website for the same and load all the details. It will create an interest among the guests to read the website's contents.

Mention the timings

It is of utmost importance to mention the timing of the reception party. Many guests will arrive at the banquet hall taking their own sweet time. It sometimes becomes annoying when you see a bunch of guests arriving when practically everything is over. Hence, to keep yourself on the safe side, it is advisable to put the exact timing of the reception party along with the deadline.

Sending out 'Save the date'

When you find yourself low on budget, you can send an email or a message to core people to save your wedding date. You can invite them personally by giving them a call, and it is one of the best options for saving the extra expenses on wedding cards. Moreover, apart from the list of invitees, you can either send them a message or give them a call if you want to invite anyone further. 


The information on the common mistakes is not to make you nervous before the D-Day, and it is to help you not make common mistakes like others. You will save yourself from the extra expenses and late hassles.


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